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+971 4 450 3633
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Sun-thu / 8:00am-6:00pm

We believe that all injuries, work-related illnesses and accidents are preventable.

Health & Safety

“It Is Our Policy To Reduce Accidents, Injuries And Work-Related Ill Health To The Lowest Level Practicable”


We take a global approach to health and safety, adopting best practices implementing throughout our projects. Safety is a fundamental value of CLEANCO. All our operations are delivered within the framework of an OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management system. It is implicit in our services and in the way we work. We do not compromise on the safety and health of those who work for our business. We believe that all injuries, work-related illnesses and accidents are preventable, and we strive for the highest standards of safety and health performance.

Our safety culture is based on prevention, hazard awareness, continuous improvement and compliance with carefully developed procedures. We strive to protect the health and safety of our workforce, identifying that healthy business performance is delivered through healthy personnel and safe processes and equipment.

Safety rules & guidelines

  • Working at Heights
  • Working with Chemicals
  • Working with Equipment
  • Working with Access Machines
  • Electrical Safety, Manual Handling
  • Preventing Unsafe Work
  • Housekeeping
  • Fire Prevention & Protection
  • Heat Stress
  • High Pressure Washing Machines
  • Safe battery charging & fueling
  • Occupational Health and Hygiene activities


Cleanco has a number of ongoing health and safety initiatives, which include adding a Quality, Health & Safety and Environment (QHSE) manual, health and safety training, and accident and incident reporting channel.

CLEANCO recognizes that all levels of management and employees have a vital responsibility and accountability in the implementation and maintenance of our Health and Safety programme. Specific roles and responsibilities have been assigned for the co-ordination and implementation of this Health & Safety Management System